Venue Name: UW Madison TT Club
Venue Email: dlnavarro@wisc.edu
Venue Address:
Bakke Recreation & Wellbeing Center
Madison, WI 53706
URL: https://www.instagram.com/tabletennis_uw/
Description: Our goal is to provide an enjoyable environment for UW students, faculty, and alumni to play table tennis. We promote competition and camaraderie between all levels of players, from recreational to competitive, during our biweekly sessions. We also provide a setting in which members who want to develop better table tennis skills can learn from and be challenged by others. We represent UW-Madison by participating in tournaments up to the national level within the National Collegiate Table Tennis Association (NCTTA).
No. of Tables: 5
Max Capacity: 20
Business Hours:
Tuesday/ Thursday / Sunday 10:00 pm -11:45 pm Bakke Recreation & Wellbeing Center. Room TBD. We are in the process of moving and haven’t officially received our room from the school.
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